
Nyere Drive Mall, Plot: 9819,Partial Middlestar, Gaborone

(+267) 72294242

Mon-Friday: 0830-1700
Weekend: Closed

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    Welcome To

    Empowered by

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    Creative, Design
    & Multimedia

    Endless Possibilities

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    And we make your digital projects

About Us

Lopex Technologies is one of Botswana’s ICT company that ofer ICT Equipment and Brand activation in the Country. Established in 2017, we have been in operation for 1 year to date ensuring you, quality service, quick and on time deliveries and zero hassles. Our mandate is to do our job Quickly, Efficiently and Correctly, the First Time! With that you cantrust us with your orders.

Social Responsibility

Investing the Community

Safeguarding Our Integrity

Securing Our People

Strategies, Processes And Procedures For Maximizing Utilization Of Resources

LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES shares the vision, and supports the policies of the Botswana on the development of local procurement by creating an enabling environment for increased involvement of Batswana in the country’s economy. LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES believes, like Ministry of Presidential Affairs, Governance and Public Administration that proper Botswana Content requires the development of local skills,technology transfer, use of local manpower and local manufacturing. As a local company, LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES further understands the significant effect that the development of Botswana Content will have on the Botswana economy and its people and, as a result, LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES specifically and proactively ensures that the following are integral to the provision of services:
Services are provided in a manner that provides short and long term benefits to the communities in which the services are undertaken and, in accordance with the corporate vision of LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES supported through fair, transparent and participatory engagement. This includes working directly and through others to provide education and training which brings together national objectives to improve quality of life with business needs. Facilitation of an increase in the number of young Batswana to be members of the Junior Management and Executive Management Teams by identifying local employees with appropriate academic, vocational, technical or professional qualifications and skills, and providing them with relevant training, education and/or skills’ transfer and hands on experience.
Develop a Botswana Content Plan for each project and/or contract for the provision of services within the stationary supplies aimed at increasing the Botswana Content compared to previous projects and/or contracts. Provide a clear and defined path that allows employees to achieve their potential and upward mobility within LOPEX TECHNOLOGIES. Where subcontracting, use local companies that are owned by young Batswana. Ensure that all local and national taxes, levies and impositions are duly paid and fulfil all statutory, legal and contractual obligations to employees and the wider community.

Mission Statement

“To be your preferred No. 1 Stop, for ICT Equipment and brand Activation by offering the Best service, quickest deliveries, highest stock levels in the market place”

We have an edge when it comes to the following:

We offer competitive prices for our various quality brands/products
We stock various products of guaranteed high quality and variety in the field we operate in.
We deliver our goods and Services within the stipulated deadlines.
we have pride in saying we have so many long serving employees who can attend to your queriesin no time, guaranteed, quality response.
We are recognised as one of the growing suppliers of ICT Equipment in Botswana and we take prestige in that and we strive at maintaining the same level of quality assurance and delivery.
As one of the growing companies in Botswana, Lopex Technologies is perfectly positioned to step into a relationship with the Ministry of Presidential Affairs Governance And Public Administration and has the expertise, experience and systems to ensure that the highest international standards are maintained.

Services we offer

ICT and Phones Supplies

ICT and Phones accessories Supply Software Development Services, Web Development Services, Mobile Application Development, Custom Enterprise Solutions, Package ERP Implementations Technology Integration Services Installations and ICT Management.


Manage Network Services Improve agility while reducing cost across all the networks. Manage Infrastructure for Networking Network Transformation and Outsourcing Services Network Connectivity Consultation and Integration Network Consulting Services Network Integration Services Network Services for Communication Service Provider Next-Gen Campus Networks Software Defined Networking Future Infrastructure Reduces Hardware and Operating Costs Centralized Network Management.

Creative, Design & Multimedia

Logo Design Stationery Design Web Design Internet Advertising Print Media Design Multimedia Design

Brand Activation

We know every brand is different and that’s why the focus of all our campaign creation is customisation and making sure it fits your brand and more importantly, your customers. Our experienced teams focus on the results you need whether your launching a new product, building more awareness for your brand or simply willing to reach out to more customers. With today’s saturated online marketing schemes, being able to interact directly with you target audience, taking the time to explain your brand and building a personalised approach leaves people with a memorable image of your brand.


Contact Us

Feel free to reach out



+267 72294242